Łukasz & Jola Kropisz

Pola, Matylda

In 2004 while in a JV nine-month internship program, Lukasz discovered his passion for middle school students and his calling to ministry. That same year he developed El Dorado, a camp and conference ministry in southern Poland for middle schoolers led by teenagers. Since then, as Lukasz’s ministry expanded, he has served as the director of El Dorado, led many English camps, taught leadership training for Fala (JV’s partner organization in Poland), and served on the board of Fala. From 2010 to 2016, Lukasz served on Fala’s board as both vice president and as a member of the executive team. Currently, Lukasz leads EDGE Sports ministry in Poland. Jola has served full-time in Fala since 2004. For the last several years she has been utilizing that experience and leadership to develop the administrative, HR, and financial systems and structures for all of Fala as the operations manager. They are very proud parents of their daughter, Pola.

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