Ema Lee

Ema has been serving in the local church in Zagreb, Croatia as a youth leader for over a decade now. She first heard of Josiah Venture (JV) and their ministry in Central and Eastern Europe at an English camp in 2006. She was captured by their vision for young people. She didn’t know how God was going to work things out, but somehow God used her experience as a high school teacher, and her passion for investing in a new generation of young believers, and brought it all together. It has been a burning desire for her to see many desperately lost young people come to Christ, find their hope in forgiveness and new life in Jesus, restore the face of the church in Zagreb, build God’s Kingdom is Croatia, and glorify God with all that he has given her. It is her vision to see young believers being discipled, actively involved in spreading the gospel, and building his Kingdom. Ema joined the JV team in the summer of 2018 and is currently developing a small team of leaders to be the next generation serving the church in Croatia. In addition to this, Ema is innovatively and prayerfully looking for ways to bring the Gospel to this generation.

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